Blog | CAA Saskatchewan

Top 5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Car Battery

Written by CAA Saskatchewan | Sep 11, 2024 4:15:00 PM

Your car's battery is its lifeline, providing the essential power needed to start the engine and run the electrical systems. Just like any other part of your vehicle, car batteries have a limited lifespan and eventually need to be replaced. But how do you know when that time has come? Here are five signs that you should be booking that appointment! 

It Has Been More Than 3-5 Years 

When was the last time you had your battery checked? If you can’t remember, then it’s probably time now! Batteries only last about 3-5 years, so make sure you are at least scheduling a check-up at the three-year mark. A professional check-up will give you a better idea of how much longer your battery is likely to last. 

Starting Issues 

If your car is struggling to start in the morning, needs to be jump-started often, or simply won’t start at all, this is a clear sign of battery issues! It’s time to take the car in to see what’s happening. Be prepared for the possibility of needing a new battery! 

Unusual Smells 

We know that a car’s engine isn’t the most appealing place to be sticking your nose, but if you start noticing a new, unpleasant smell, it could be your battery. When it starts dying, it might emit sulfuric acid, which can cause damage to your car and is also a potential fire hazard. This is a definite sign that you need to take it in! 

Battery Case Bulging 

Anytime you are looking under the hood, make it a habit to peek at your battery. If you ever notice that the case is starting to bulge, then book that appointment to get it checked! This is a sign that the cells inside are swollen, and it could cause a rupture, posing a fire hazard.  

Electrical Issues 

Are your headlights going dim despite being freshly cleaned? Do you have other electrical malfunctions happening throughout the car? Is your check engine light on? All of these could be signs of battery failure!  


Your car’s battery is responsible for a lot of systems running, so whenever something unusual is happening, it doesn’t hurt to check if it’s the battery! You never want to be stuck with a dead battery when you are far from help. The team at CAA Battery Depot is happy to make sure all systems are go. However, if you ever find yourself stuck, our Emergency Roadside Assistance is here to help our members! Contact them online, by phone at 1-800-222-4357, or on the CAA Mobile App.