Blog | CAA Saskatchewan

Why a CAA Membership Makes Sense Even for New Car Owners

Written by CAA Saskatchewan | Aug 24, 2022 6:38:08 PM

One of the most common questions that we get asked a lot is, “Do I really need a CAA membership if I just bought a new car?”  That’s a good question.  

Having a new car is great. It has that new car aroma, it looks fancy, it runs smoothly, it’s going to be fuel-efficient, and the odds of it breaking down are slim. 

However, a CAA membership is more than just roadside assistance 

A CAA membership will indeed cover you and your vehicle in case you run into any roadside issues, but ultimately, it’s a way of living a life full of confidence, peace of mind, and valuable savings. 

Savings that are not just in the form of the cost of changing a flat tire or getting an expensive tow, but savings in the form of deals, discounts, and special offers on various CAA Rewards® shopping partners. 

Come to think about it, won’t it be great if you’re able to pay off part of the monthly payments for your new car with savings that you enjoy because of your CAA membership? But wait. There’s more to it. 

Here are four reasons why having a CAA membership for a new car is a good thing:


1. General roadside assistance

Having a new car means the probability of you suffering a mechanical breakdown is low. 

A mechanical breakdown involves issues related to car parts – things like the engine and the battery. A new car means a new battery which means the chances of it dying during the winter months are less.  

However, having a new car doesn’t mean that you can’t suffer a general breakdown 

A general breakdown involves things that are out of your control on the road. For example, you could still get a flat tire, need a tow, or perhaps skid off the road.

In such situations, having a CAA membership that provides you with roadside assistance is a blessing in disguise as there will be one less thing for you to worry about while on the road. 


2. Rewards and savings

If you’ve just bought a new car, chances are high that you’re going to be on the road a lot. If you’re going to be on the road a lot, the probability of you suffering a breakdown increases.

But let’s assume that that’s not the case. Let’s assume that you’re going to be driving your new car minimally. In this case, does it make sense to have a CAA membership? The answer is yes. 

As we mentioned before, a CAA membership is not just roadside assistance. It’s a way for you to unlock a world full of savings as well. And the best part is that you don’t have to go out of your way to do so.  

Through the CAA Rewards® program – a complimentary benefit that comes along with all CAA membership plans – you can save money on everyday shopping purchases at your favourite retailers, restaurants, stores, hotels, entertainment centers, travel partners, etc. 

From saving 15% at Pizza Hut to 10% at RW&Co., make use of one of Canada’s largest loyalty programs and add to your monthly savings. 

By the way, if you’re indeed planning on taking a lot of road trips, check out our blog about how you can make use of your CAA membership and save money on hotels and restaurants that you see on the way. 


3. Personal accident insurance

One of the most important reasons for having a CAA membership is that it provides you with the add-on of personal accident insurance coverage of at least $20,000 for an annual fee of $10.

Whether you’re in a new car or an old car, being a part of a road accident is just one of those things that unfortunately could be out of your control. Things can go astray in a split second. 

However, having a CAA membership gives you the peace of mind to be protected and covered in the unfortunate event of an accident in cars, subways, buses, boats, taxis, farm vehicles, and airplanes.  

The coverage also extends if you’re involved in an accident (with any of the above) as a pedestrian. 

While your coverage limit depends on the type of your membership plan, you do have the option of increasing your limit by paying a minimal amount to your membership fee. 


4. Coverage in all vehicles

Finally, one of the most underrated benefits of having a CAA membership is that your membership will always follow you and not your vehicle.  

This means that no matter which car you’re travelling in – your fancy new one, your old one, or perhaps a friend’s car – you can always have the peace of mind of knowing that you’re covered on the road. 

All you would need is your physical membership card or a digital version in your CAA mobile app 

A great advantage of this benefit is that it also covers rental vehicles. Therefore, the next time a rental company asks you to pay extra for roadside assistance, you can be assured that your membership will cover you.